Short Term Plans-
1/2 & 1/2 plan- This plan allows the customer to pay half of the total cost of repairs on the day repairs are performed and the other half of the bill will be due exactly two weeks later. This plan will incur a financing fee of 10% added to the total final amount due.
1/4 - 3/4 Plan- This plan allows the customer to pay an astonishing 1/4 of the total amount due up front and the final amount due exactly two weeks later. This plan does allow an additional 2 week grace period, however, the extra grace period comes at an additional fee. This is due to the risk involved. The interest assessed will be as follows. If the final amount due is paid in the first 2 week due cycle, the financing fee will be 20%. This is of the total amount due initially. However, if the additional 2 weeks grace period timeline is needed the interest will go up to 30% for increased risk assessment.
PLEASE UNDERSTAND- These prices are to help you the customer get the repair done. But it is a risk on both the customer and Dapper Dudes Garage. It is encouraged to pay up front or get into a longer financing plan which will cost a little more financially but is much more manageable. The 1/2 & 1/2 plan and the 1/4-3/4 plan are risk plans; Designed to give the customer a little more time to foot the bill. But time is of the essence with these plans. It is imperative to be mindful of the plan you are choosing so as not to get yourself in a bind. We value our customers and our relationships and do not ever want to find ourselves in a legal battle, nor in a position in which the relationship between the customer and Dapper Dudes Garage is damaged due to broken agreements. So with urgency we ask you to be sure the plan you choose is right for you and you can honor that plan. If you have any doubts, please decline all service and wait until you are in a better position to have Garage door service. We would much rather wait and keep a good relationship with you than hurry for the sake of making money and end up with bad relationships. We simply care about you the customer too much.
Mid to Long Term Plans-
Mid Term- This plan is mid-term and allows monthly payments over three months to pay the total amount due including the financing charge. The first month's payment is due up front to initiate the repairs. The customer will then have 2 additional months to have the balance paid in full. The financing fee for this service is 30%. In total the customer will have 3 months, equal to 3 separate payments in order to pay the balance in full.
Long Term- This plan is longer-term and allows monthly payments over the following six months to pay the total amount due including the financing charge. The first month's payment is due up front to initiate the repairs. The customer will then have 5 additional months to have the balance due paid in full. The financing fee for this service is 35%. In total the customer will have 6 months, equal to 6 separate payments in order to pay the balance in full.
Please understand before signing up for any financing plan that these plans are not ideal. It would be ideal to have all repairs paid in full on site. However, this is just another option for you, the customer, to be able to get repairs at a fraction of the cost. So those big repairs many have had to decline due to financial misfortunes are now affordable and finances are no longer a set back. With these financing plans just about every customer now has the opportunity to have significant repairs performed on the same day. There are benefits for all as well as risks for all.
So, if you feel any of these plans are right for you then don't hesitate to ask and we can get you set up today.